Occupation code details

The occupation code for Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors is 1242 - here are the full details of this code. Use this page to check if this is the most appropriate code for your job, then answer the question below

1242 - Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors

Eligible for sponsorship

description from Office for National Statistics
Minimum salary range

The minimum salary range to sponsor a migrant worker for a job in this occupation code is:

£20.5k –⁠ £21.4k

This is just a minimum - it's not a problem if the role you are considering in this occupation code pays significantly more than £21.4k


Related job titles

Care manager

Day centre manager

Nursing home owner

Residential manager (residential home)

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Shortage Occupation List
All jobs in this code are on the Shortage Occupation List